So i needed to make it through my first day on the life altering plan before posting! The day started slow, slept in enough that the inclination to run was drifting away. But i had laid out my clothes and decided that i should go for it. Then i went to grab my running ipod....dead!!! Keep in mind it had been a while since i used it. I move onto my car ipod...dead!!! Then i move onto my husband's ipod...almost dead!!! I have a very hard time running without music so this was a huge problem. Finger's crossed i took Will's ipod out and i started on my run. I'm not sure what died first, the ipod or me. I lasted 2. whatever km and it was not pretty. Big recommendation for all the newbies that start a workout regimen, Do not do for 4 months and then take 5 weeks off! You will pay!
Diet so far was pretty good, I had a healthy breakfast of cottage cheese and berries. Then I decided to pay a visit to my Uncle. His house is diet suicide!!! If he wasn't stuffing chocolate into my son's pants, hands and mouth he was stuffing it into my purse for my other son, husband and supposedly myself. Since I adore my uncle, I wasn't going to proclaim that I have decided to start a fabulous new way of life and chocolate was not in any way, shape or form part of this. I ended up leaving with a ziploc bag stuffed full of big turk, smarties and tootsie rolls. Not to mention the Safeway bag full of Doritos and crunchits. Although I loved his wife Sue's explanation on how this would fit into my plan. Doritos are made with corn and corn is a vegetable and therefore Dorito's are really really healthy. I'm wondering if she could come up with something for sour patch kids.
Rest of the day was great! I even ended up at bootcamp for the first time in 4-5ish weeks. As promised, Jaime made me pay! I ended up informing her that she really required a bucket in her workout room as I was probably going to use it. I'm going to be sore tomorrow but i am super glad I went. This was a good first day and I was really excited to start today but making it through just has me more motivated.
Day 1 Done!
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